Be healthy on the inside and fit on the outside. Health isn’t the way you look. That’s fitness. It’s whether or not you are in shape but whether or not you are in shape AND internally HEALTHY.  There are a lot of fit-looking people who are unhealthy on the inside.  One of the keys to health is to supplement a whole food diet with the right nutrients to ensure OPTIMAL cellular function internally. This is the key to a long life and optimal physical function.   In developing CYRxMD Nutrition, I focused on supplements that were not only effective, but also, formulated to exact standards. The protein is formulated with Prohydrolase to increase efficient uptake and processing by the body.  
I believe strongly in preventative medicine. Nutrition, exercise, and using good body mechanics when working or active are a very important part of the prevention of injury. I am a life-long bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast. I played collegiate football and have tried to maintain my physical fitness now at 49.  My nutrition/supplement line, cyr md nutrition, focuses on the ability to address our health from within the body.  I have a global perspective on health. Treat the body from the inside out. I have spent 35 years reading about fitness and nutrition and practicing what I preach. I want to equip people with a true understanding of how to maintain their youth and function from a scientific perspective but also tapping into my knowledge of nutrition, fitness and exercise.